Order of Service

All are invited forward to light candles of joy and sorrow before the service. If you are joining us virtually, please light a candle in your home.

Ingathering Music


Opening Hymn

#1017(t) Building a New Way

Call to Worship

Chalice Lighting

Time for All Ages

What Can a Citizen Do? by Dave Eggers & Shawn Harris

Children's Recessional

"As You Go" by Kathleen Tracy


We hold you in our love as you go, as you go.

May your heart be at peace as you go.

To nurture the spark of your precious life.

We hold you in our love as you go.

Power to the Hill

Wendy Shaver

League of Women Voters

Nan Cavenaugh

Joys & Sorrows


Moment of Silence

Meditation Hymn

#123(g) Spirit of Life


Nora Rasmon, UUA


Rachel Mark


The Church shares this month's offering with the UUJusticePA Education Fund.


   Love is the spirit of this congregation, and service is our gift.

     This is our great covenant: To dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.

Closing Hymn

#1028(t) The Fire of Commitment

Benediction/Extinguishing the Chalice

(g) = gray Singing the Living Tradition

(t) = teal Singing the Journey

Serving You Today

Worship Leaders

Social Justice Round Table

Worship Associates

Jim Cavenaugh & Rachel Mark

Director of Lifespan Faith Development

Cory Ness

Director of Music Ministries

Yvonne DuVal

Service Accompanist

Max Mitchell

Song Leader

Gail Jackson


James Henninger-Voss, bass

A/V Technicians

Kyle Petris, Laura Trimble

& David Spear

Trustee on Duty

Kyle Petris

Head Usher

Dorothy Brown