Order of Service

Ingathering Music


Call to Worship

Chalice Lighting


#1074(t) Turn the World Around


The Church shares this month's offering with the UUJusticePA Education Fund.

The Six Shared Values

Time for All Ages

Rhythm of the Rain by Grahame Baker-Smith


#1064(t) Blue Boat Home

#1007(t) There's a River Flowin' in My Soul


“Flow Together”

Rev. Bran Lennox

Gathering the Waters


Moment of Silence

Meditation Hymn

#136(g) Where Gentle Tides Go Rolling By


   Love is the spirit of this congregation, and service is our gift.

     This is our great covenant: To dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.

Closing Words


"Healing Waters" by Clif Hardin

Benediction/Extinguishing the Chalice

(g) = gray Singing the Living Tradition

(t) = teal Singing the Journey

Serving You Today

Worship Leader

Rev. Bran Lennox

Director of Lifespan Faith Development

Cory Ness

Director of Music Ministries

Yvonne DuVal

Service Accompanist

Chris Emkey

Song Leader

Dan Vaughn


James Henninger-Voss, bass

JD Stillwater, percussion

A/V Technicians

Kyle Petris, Andy Back

& Laura Trimble

Trustee on Duty

Sharon Vaughn

Head Usher

Dorothy Brown

UCH Choir

Theresa Alberici, Andy Back, Hannah Belser, Larry Beyer, Barbara Byrne, Rima Cameron, Jim Cavenaugh, Chris Dutton, Laura Edinger, Amy Firestine, Dave Forster, Kevin Geist, Jim Handshaw, Resa Heckman, James Henninger-Voss, Gail Jackson, Kaelynn Judd, Rev. Bran Lennox, Dean Leverett, Jessica Lybarger, Cara Martinez-Williams, Jenn McPoyle, Joe Melillo, Robin Miller, Emily Raffensberger, Deborah Reihart, Ellen Roane, Marjy Schubauer, Laura Shemick, David Spear, Sable Stewart, Ed Sykes, Karen Sykes, Dan Vaughn, Lois Voigt

Music Note from Yvonne DuVal

Harry Belafonte's beloved song, "Turn the World Around", appears as the final song in our teal hymnal. Yet, one word is used without clear meaning notated within the song. While I'm not a linguist, my online research led me to this breakdown, found on Muppet Central:

"a bati wa ha" meaning in Swahili:

a = of

bahati = fortunate

wa = existence

ha = (likely just a punctuated sound in the song with no meaning)

Final translation: "Of fortunate existence. Ha!"

Or loosely: "Our lucky life. Ha!"

Or even more loosely: "So is life. Ha!"