Order of Service
Ingathering Music
Opening Hymn
#1000(t) Morning Has Come
Call to Worship
Chalice Lighting
"Unison in Harmony" by Jim Boyes
New Member Ceremony
New Member Covenant
We come freely and with open hearts to join this congregation. We want to add our hopes and dreams to yours. We promise to support the Unitarian Church of Harrisburg through our unique gifts. We look to you for guidance, fellowship, and support. We wish to live by the values of Unitarian Universalism. When we fall short, please stay in relationship with us and help us do better. We are glad to travel with you.
Congregational Response
We welcome you as an equal member of this congregation, of this faith tradition, and of our shared spiritual journey. We will listen to you. We will support you. You add much to our congregation. We need you. When we fall short, please stay in relationship with us and help us do better. The whole of our church is greater than the sum of its parts. Welcome!
Unison Pledge
Today and each day, we recommit ourselves to the work of Unitarian Universalism in our lives, our families, our congregation, and our world. Grateful for so many who have gone before us, we pledge ourselves to their legacy and to this church’s future.
Love is the spirit of this congregation, and service is our gift. This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.
Time for All Ages
All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold
Children's Recessional
Laura Edinger
Meditation Song
"Sanctuary" by Randy Scruggs & John Thompson, text adapted by David Ruffin
“Where You Belong”
Rev. Bran Lennox
Joys & Sorrows
Moment of Silence
Call for the Offering
The Church shares this month's offering with Common Roads Program of the Central PA LGBT Center.
"It Starts with a Spark" by Lindasusan Ulrich
Closing Hymn
#18(g) What Wondrous Love is This
Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing
(g) = gray Singing the Living Tradition
(t) = teal Singing the Journey
Serving You Today
Worship Leader
Rev. Bran Lennox
Worship Associate
Laura Edinger
Time for All Ages
Karen Sykes
Director of Music Ministries
Yvonne DuVal
Service Accompanist
Chris Emkey
UCH Choir
James Henninger-Voss, bass
JD Stillwater, percussion
A/V Technicians
Laura Trimble, Andy Back & Diggs Lobdell
Trustee on Duty
Andy Back
Head Usher
Dorothy Brown