Order of Service
Ingathering Music
Opening Hymn
#170(g) We Are a Gentle, Angry People
Call to Worship
Chalice Lighting
Special Music
"Steadfast Hope" by Brian Childers
   Love is the spirit of this congregation, and service is our gift.
     This is our great covenant: To dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.
Time for All Ages
Don't Hug Doug by Carrie Finison
Children's Recessional
excerpts from the Allegheny Reproductive Health Center Case
   “The Free and Responsible Search for Bodily Autonomy”
Sue Frietsche & Tyler Gillett
Meditation Hymn
#123(g) Spirit of Life
Joys & Sorrows
Moment of Silence
The Church shares this month's offering with Common Roads Program of the Central PA LGBT Center.
Closing Hymn
#1008(t) When Our Heart Is in a Holy Place
Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing
(g) = gray Singing the Living Tradition
(t) = teal Singing the Journey
Serving You Today
Worship Leaders
Sue Frietsche & Tyler Gillett
Worship Associate
Jim Cavenaugh
Director of Lifespan Faith Development
Cory Ness
Director of Music Ministries
Yvonne DuVal
Service Accompanist
Chris Emkey
Song Leader
Hannah Belser
UCH Bell Choir
James Henninger-Voss, bass
A/V Technicians
Andy Back, Diggs Lobdell
 & David Spear
Trustee on Duty
Chris Dutton
Head Usher
Dorothy Brown