Gift Card Fundraiser
Buy groceries and support UCH!
Purchase gift cards for Giant, Weis, or Karns Foods and earn money for the church of 10% (Giant) or 5% (Karns & Weis) on every card you buy.
Cards are mailed directly to your door. You can sign up for automatic payments or you can mail a check to the church. There is no charge to participate and no commitment–you can opt out at any time. Order cards when you want to... you set the schedule!
You order gift cards at face value from the coordinator.
The coordinator orders gift cards at a discounted price.
You receive gift cards worth the amount you paid to use on your groceries or gas.
UCH keeps the difference to fund our programs and operations!
Sign up today!
See the bulletin board near the downstairs restrooms for paper sign-up sheets or click here to download. You can also email Tavia if you have any questions or you would like to get started. Completed sheets can be emailed or placed in the Gift Card mail slot in the hallway near the office.