"Make Good Trouble"


Social Justice Round Table


10:30 AM 

September 8, 2024


1280 Clover Lane 

Harrisburg, PA 17113

Join us Sunday for a special service presented by the UCH Social Justice Round Table. We will have multiple speakers talking about engagement as we face the upcoming election, with ideas on how you can make a difference.

New Here? Welcome!

If you are a guest this morning, we welcome and invite you to sign our guest book in the lobby and indicate if you wish to receive our newsletter.

Membership: Membership in our church is established by a commitment to our principles, purposes, and the desire to participate in our community, rather than established by affirmation of a creed.

Affirmation of Inclusion: The Unitarian Church of Harrisburg affirms, promotes, and celebrates the full participation of all persons in all aspects of church life without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, or any other category of exclusion.

Children & Youth Faith Development

Welcome to our UCH C&YFD Program! Because it is important to our congregation for all ages to be together each week, our children join in our worship during the opening portion of Sunday services with their families in our sanctuary, and then they are sung down to their classrooms. 

Our program is a cooperative effort staffed by volunteers. If this is your first visit to UCH, please escort your child(ren) downstairs to fill in a visitor form. After your third visit, we ask you to complete a registration form. Please contact Cory Ness, Director of Lifespan Faith Development for more information.

Coffee and Conversation

Join us for coffee hour downstairs after service from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM. In-person or online, you are welcome! 

A Zoom room will be open for anyone who wishes to join. Grab a mug of your favorite beverage and chat online with fellow members.*

*The Zoom Coffee Room may not always have attendees.